Why choose us?


If you’re here reading this, you’re not one to settle for the ordinary. Whether you’re embarking on a health journey, supporting Australian farmers, seeking tastier food, or challenging monopolies, we’re here for you.

As a small family business with deep roots in farming and a commitment to wholesome, natural foods, we understand the importance of quality and authenticity.

Our journey, coupled with personal health battles including overcoming autoimmune conditions, has fuelled our passion to provide you with the very best produce available.

Thank you for choosing us. Together, let’s make every meal a celebration of health, sustainability, and support for Australian farmers, securing a healthy food chain for our children’s future.


Carefully selected packs, just for you

• Free Range & Organic Milk
• Steroid, Hormone & Antibiotic Free
• Higher in Omega 3’s

• Grass Fed & Finished Beef
• Grass Fed & Finished Lamb
• Free Range Pork

• Organic Chicken
• Fresh Fruit & Veg
• Free Range Eggs

• GE & GMO Free
• Select Sydney Suburbs Delivery – Ever Expanding

True Free Range Meat


If you have found us, and specifically if you believe there is more to Free Range Farming than just raising animals outdoors, then you have come to the right place.

Our philosophy is that Free Range Farming should emulate as close to a natural life as possible for the animals.

To this end, we supply all our meats from farms that meet our strict quality assurances, and include: 100% Grass Fed and Grass Finished beef & lamb; at no stage in their lives have they been fed grains. This means tastier and healthier meat and a higher omega 3 fat percentage. The pork and eggs are from true free range animals – enjoying plenty of space to move, forage and dig. Free range pigs and egg laying chickens are fed supplementary grains as grass cannot supply all their nutritional needs. Only ruminant animals such as cows and sheep can subsist solely on grass.

We ensure that our meats are:

Antibiotic, hormone and steroid Free
GE and GMO Free
The animals are ethically raised, transported and processed

Please visit our Farmers tab for more info: We have either personally visited the farms or the farms carry adequate certification to ensure our rigorous standards have been met.

Farm Fresh Fruit & Veg


Our Farm Fresh Fruit & Veg Boxes are picked and packed fresh daily with the majority of produce coming straight from our supplying partner’s own farms! Our supplying partner Perfection Fresh Australia is 100% Australian owned and has been run as a family business for over 40 years.

Our suppling partner is:

Australian owned
• Family run
• Sustainability focused
• 98% recyclable packaging PET 
• Recycled and repurposed waste

All our fruits & vegetables are sourced from Australian farms. When the team cannot source directly from their own farms & direct supplying farmers they will only ever top up with the very best produce Sydney Markets have to offer.


Sustainable supply chain

We believe that getting your food to you in the best shape possible and in the shortest amount of time is best! This is not just for freshness & taste but for the environment as well.
Practising a “just in time” and “sustainable” supply chain means that we take caring for your goods very seriously.

When ordering through us you will come to expect:

Foods delivered fresh
• Refrigerated transport
• Recyclable/ minimal packaging where possible
• Lower food miles
• Convenient home deliveries
• Knowing where your food comes from


Satisfaction Guarantee

Our Promise to You!

Dealing with perishable food means that, despite our best efforts and the highest quality products, occasional issues may arise. At Country Meats Direct we stand behind the quality of our products with our Satisfaction Guarantee.

Why Choose Us?

Tested by Us: All foods are tested on humans (aka us) before they're offered for sale!

Fair Trade Practices: Our Farmers & Producers are paid fairly which helps ensure we receive their finest produce!

Quality Assurance: Only the best products reach your doorstep. If it doesn't look right it doesn't go out!

Freshness Guaranteed: Our “just in time” supply chain ensures freshness with every delivery.

If you're ever unsatisfied with anything at all, please don't hesitate to give us a call at 0415 984 988 or email us at theteam@countrymeatsdirect.com.au

We value customer satisfaction and will address any concerns promptly. We are committed to customer service and would prefer to provide you with an exchange, or credit for a rare dissatisfaction, as we believe in fostering long-term relationships with our customers. Your candid feedback is invaluable in helping us improve our product offering that in-turn will benefit all our amazing customers!

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