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Free Range Eggs – Retail Doz – Canobolas


Canobola’s ultra-modern facility near Copper Hill is located on top of a soft rolling hill giving excellent views of Mount Canobolas and Molong. They have a massive ranging area so that their stocking density is a low 1500 hens/hectare.  In Australia, stocking densities of 10,000 hens/hectare are permitted but they felt that the lower rate was a more sustainable choice on the mixed grasslands that their hens will range on.

The laying sheds are made from insulated panels and they incorporate a handy feature of many Australian houses: a large verandah!

Inside each barn is a very large climbing frame full of perches and nest boxes as well as feeding and watering points.  This is the latest European design and offers the hens the chance to find a spot to make their own, increasing their comfort level and giving them plenty of stimulation to prevent them from becoming bored.

Size: 1 doz. (12 free Range Eggs = 700g) (Also available in Catering & Bulk Sizes)


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Ingredients: 12 Free Range Eggs

Storage: The best place to store your eggs are in the refrigerator and bring to room temperature prior to cooking.


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